Registrars Conference 2023

The ANZSNR is pleased to announce its partnership with IRSA for this years Registrars Conference. The conference will be held at The Sunshine Coast University Hospital QLD on Saturday 18 and Sunday 19 November 2023.

The Conference is aimed at RANZCR trainees with an interest in pursuing a career in IR and INR.

Over the course of the weekend, we will be running didactic lectures given by a local faculty team of leading Interventional Radiologists and Interventional Neuroradiologists. The program will also include a mix of hands-on workshops hosted by our industry partners showcasing the latest products, and technology available.

Airfares, Conference registration, a Conference dinner and accommodation will be provided for those attending.

RANZCR Director of Training will nominate up to 3 interested trainees to attend.

For more information or to register your interest, email